Reblog: The Starving Artist Lifestyle

BuriedUnderRevisions-noirRight now I am buried under a game script that is due today. (Note to bosses: not actual script in photo. Don’t worry!) It’s the first thing I’ve ever written that requires nodes and opcodes. I am not a computer programmer, so the learning curve is steep and thus it’s taking me longer than anticipated. So that means I have no time to write a new blog post. However, I’m going to link you all up to an oldie but goody, a post that still totally applies today…

10 Tips to Survive the Starving Artist Lifestyle

I’ve been living the life of a starving artist for a decade and a half. I’ve never had a steady salary job. I don’t have a trust fund. My average income is $20,000/year. Basically, I work just enough to get by and spend the rest of my time writing. Which will pay off. It already did once when I used this approach to write spec scripts, go back to school and break into the TV screenwriting biz. This time, I’m writing a novel and breaking into the publishing biz. The question everyone has for me is, “How do you survive in downtown Toronto on such a small amount of money?” Here’s the answer…

Click here to read the full post.

Author: Heather Jackson

Heather is a freelance screenwriter, game writer, and novelist based in Toronto. For more, visit her website at or follow her on Twitter @HeatherJacksonW

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