If we were having coffee, I’d invite you into my garden. You’d pause, considering the wisdom of my offer, but I’d assure you that even though it’s January, I’m still (sadly) snow-free. Towering evergreen trees surround us and scent the air. I cut some camellia buds to decorate the patio table. Being a good host, I offer you a platter of polvorones to dunk in your coffee.
It’s incredibly loud at my house. The kids shout as they fight Minecraft creepers, or squeal as they jump on the Christmas trampoline. You know, that 14 foot black behemoth just a few feet away from us. Don’t worry, you will get a turn. That is, if you’re willing to wait until the kids get tired of jumping.
When things quiet down a herd of deer come by. You’ll be scared. They do have some impressive antlers, but they just want to eat berries. They’ll move along once they notice us, or after my cats chase them off.
We’ll talk about everything, politics, movies and the books we can’t wait to read. At some point, our writing projects will come up. I’ll admit to having a long list of 2015 goals and I’ll show you where I wrote about them here. It’s only week three of the year and I’m still optimistic about achieving them, but reserved too. After all my list is things I want to do, not things I’ve done. I tell you that I’ve managed to leave comments for other blogger every day for the last two weeks. Since this was one of my 2015 goals I’m thrilled with myself. You shrug and give me a weak smile. My efforts to be more supportive of my blogging community seem painfully inadequate to someone as social and friendly as you are.
With a ton of happy dancing and smiles, I tell you that I’m now an official NetGalley Professional Reader. I show off the new blog badge. I got my first four ARCs this week. They gave me three young adult books and one middle grade. I’m so excited! It’s a bit like a second Christmas to a book geek like me. The middle grade book is by a popular author and isn’t going to be in the stores for months. The kids and I will be reading it before any of their friends get the chance. Talk about earning the cool mom points.
Since we’re already talking about my kids, I brag about my eldest helping me write our first Mother/Son book review this week. Our perspectives are so different. The experience led to some great conversations about books. Both my kids are still bringing me books they find that break the fourth wall. I’m happy to say I’m training a pair of sharp readers.
You ask about the heist book I’m writing. My plan was to start shopping it to agents this month, but a bout of winter illness put me behind schedule. I mention a few blog posts I’m working on. There is one on writer grants for next week, and another on nontraditional villains. There will be more posts on mystery, horror and thrillers this year. The ones I did on finding an Inner Poe were super fun to write. I’m thinking something along those lines, but for crime fiction.
The visit will be over too quickly. Unfortunately, I’ll be the one to cut things short. One of my boys will have a playdate scheduled, or a school assignment due on Monday that he hasn’t started on yet. I’ll bag you some goodies for the road and I’ll invite you to come back soon. Hopefully, if the deer, cats and kids didn’t freak you out, you’ll accept.
If We Were Having Coffee is a blog hop inspired and run by the lovely and talented Diana, over at Part Time Monster. Please drop by her place for coffee. You can also see what other bloggers are hosting a coffee party by checking out her hashtag: #WeekendCoffeeShare on Twitter.
I actually drank my morning coffee while I read this, and I truly enjoyed our visit. Good luck with all of your 2015 resolutions and have a very Happy New Year!
Hi again Kristin, I’m really happy you stopped by. 2015 is starting off fantastic for me! I’m super excited! Can you tell? I’m using too many exclamation points in my blog posts, tweets and comments for one thing. This was our first weekend coffee share, but it’s going to be a regular feature. Look for a post from Heather next weekend. Thanks again for stopping by and sharing coffee.
I loved your post and will check out Part Time Monster. It must be really nice to still have flowers blooming. There isn’t much color here in the middle of the continent (North America).
Hi Faith,
You should join us for weekend coffee posts. It’s open to all bloggers. You just put up a post talking about your week, or any news you want to share. Add your link to the list at Part Time Monster and join in the blog hopping fun. We also share posts links on Twitter with the hashtag. You still have time, some people post only on Sunday.
I love NetGalley and I bet you won’t be able to stop yourself from adding to your shelves even when you know you have enough reading material to last you the next two months. Enjoy it though, it’s great fun!
Hi Rebecca. I can already see that happening with NetGalley. I was pretty aggressive with my requesting the first day. I expected to get one ARC, and only if I was very lucky. Now I know better and I’ll be more careful. I’m just glad I didn’t load up on all those read now books. Thanks for stopping by.
I’d high-five you on the mom points because that’s an awesome score. I’m sure you’ll all have a great time reading stories that aren’t even available yet – it’s like being privy to a delicious secret! I’d thank you for a wonderful coffee break. I’ve never seen deer, so that would be a magical experience 🙂
I know right! It’s so hard to stay the cool mom. I need all the help I can get.
I should have include deer photos. I only added them back in late last night. I have photos of my cat chasing them out of our yard. Maybe I’ll include them next time.
That would be great 🙂
Mother Son Book Review..sounds like a regular segment on Martha Stewart…brilliant idea.
Thanks, I was a fun post. My son and I are still talking about this book. The whole untrustworthy protagonist aspect of the story is making him think! I’m sure we will do this style of book review again. And it’s been a great way for us to stay reading connected now that I don’t read to him every night before bed.
No snow in January? We have plenty here. Care to bring the kids up for a good old fashioned snow ball fight?
My kids would love a snow ball fight. Of course they would want a huge snow fort too. My back hurts just thinking about it. Thanks for stopping by for coffee.
Ok, first thing, that coffee cup graphic is great. Second, awesome on the Professional Readership. And good luck with the agent. 🙂
We don’t get the deer much in New Orleans, but when I’m visiting my parents I see them. They’re beautiful, skittish creatures.
Thanks! My husband made the cup logo, but the idea was Heather’s.
I’m in shock over landing the NetGalley thing. I’ve had four different publishers send me stuff so far and I have six request pending. Now I just need to get busy reading and reviewing!
The deer are the best part of our new house. The kids run from window to window to watch them.
Awesome! Sounds like so much fun.
And I’m sure they love watching the deer—I loved them as a kid, too. I was just thinking when I wrote that comment that I’ve never even tasted deer meat.
Do not let my kids hear you say that. The idea of eating a deer would make my whole family cry, they’ve become our favorite part of the day.
Growing up in Mississippi means, among other things, that I know lots of hunters. I just never could bring myself to eat the deer meat.
Fabulous. We get deer, too. Aren’t they maginificent? But yes. Scary up close. Large herbivores are more dangerous than predators, I’ve been told.
I can’t wait to hear how the book comes out.
And maybe the coffee linkup will help with the commenting 🙂 It’s an efficient way to find folks and the posts tend to be easy conversation starters. Thanks for joining us and have a marvelous weekend!
Deer are amazing. I just can’t get enough of them. I’m even getting used to them eating everything in my garden. However, I’m going to put some wire around the fruit trees. I’m willing to share, but I do like my home grown fruit.
I’m getting better with the comments, honestly I am. I just have to do them really fast, before I have the chance to talk myself out of posting.
Good luck with your book! Agents, wow exciting:) I’m not at that place yet.
Be sure to link this up on Parttimemonster’s link up page so everyone gets to see it!
Hi, Thanks! I’ve been down this road before. I submitted my last book, and got some interest but didn’t get any offers of representation. But I think (hope) this book has a better shot.
Keep me posted on your book. You will get there, just keep writing.
Thanks for the encouragement!
It takes a lot of encouragement to write a book. When you need a fresh dose, I’m your gal. : )