No Pain No Gain: Persistence in Selling Your Manuscript

Persistence can be defined as the firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. It seems that whether you’re an aspiring writer, or one who’s well established, there is always self-doubt. Times when you feel that no one will love your story as much as you and your …
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A Ray of Sunshine: When a Writer Has a Good Day (#abna)

The good days for a writer usually revolve around a day when the words flow, the images form, and the plot thickens. It’s our own personal heaven and we tuck ourselves into bed that night with a sense of immense satisfaction. But also as writers, we subject ourselves to constant criticism, as do all artists. …
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Friday Inspiration: Homage to Shirley Temple/ Writing Stories with Unabashed Optimism

Okay, I’m admitting this right up front. I may be making this up. However, I do believe these memories are real. I have a vivid recollection of the first “grown-up” book I read; Heidi, by Johanna Spyri, originally published in 1880 and in German: A tale about a little Swiss girl and her grandfather. I’d …
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