Writeonsisters.com Marks a Milestone: 100 posts!



p class=”MsoNormal”>Today the Sisters share a happy occasion, we cross the 100-post finish line. Since we only started the blog last summer, we didn’t expect to get here so fast. Or to have so much fun during the journey. Plus, we learned a lot, and shared what we learned at each step with our readers.

In honor of the day we would like to share our eight favorite posts from the last 100. We are each picking one of our own and one of our sisters’. We hope you all stick around in the coming months and watch us chip away at crafting the next 100 posts.

Caryn’s Picks:

For my own post, I guess I’d have to pick *Non-Movie Star Ennui: The Lonely Life of the Writer, because putting my feelings on paper made me realize I was in need of a serious change in my life. I’ve decided to relocate to another state where I have lots of family and new places to explore. Let the adventure begin!

For my fellow sister’s post, I decided upon Heather’s post How Writers Do Holidays since she so aptly described how writers obsess over their projects even when trying to let it go for a few days. This was sooo me! And I would have been too embarrassed to admit it to anyone! Thanks, Heather, for calling me out!

Heather’s Picks:

For my own post, I have to go with the one that was the most fun to write: 10 Tips To Survive The Starving Artist Lifestyle. I enjoyed getting away from the brain-crunch of dissecting craft to simply write about life. And I was pleasantly surprised and happy to discover how many readers could relate!

For my fellow sister’s post, I picked Robin’s post Character Chemistry: Six Dos and Don’ts for Getting a Group Together. Character relationships, especially within an ensemble, are difficult to write, but Robin’s final tip can help every writer strengthen their characters’ group dynamic. Go read it!

Jenn’s Picks:

For mine, I’ll go with my most recent, Honoring Creativity: The Angels and Demons of Writing Advice. I think it’s something we all have to grapple with. Sometimes we need to step away from trying to please everyone and stay true to our creative spirit.

For my fellow sister’s post, I chose Caryn’s A Time To Kill: The Death Of A Major Character. I get close to my characters, and sometimes have difficulty putting them through hell. When someone has to die, especially a child or an animal, I agonize over it, so Caryn’s tips on how and when to kill off someone we care about makes it less painful.

Robin’s Picks:

For my own post, I’ve chosen The Pudding in the Mix: The Gooey Center of a Novel. I like this post because I tried to turn a frustrating and challenging problem into something a tad funny and irreverent. If we must face our biggest hurdles at least we can keep an upbeat attitude.

For my fellow sister’s post, I’ve chosen Jenn’s Harry Potter Wears Fifty Shades of Grey. First, because it’s my favorite of all of our titles. Second, because it combines just the right amount of hard truth and humor. We need to remember to hold on to our real voices, and to keep putting our faith and energy into making our words sing. This post says that and more.

Thank you everyone for all the wonderful support!

Author: Writeonsisters.com

Straight talk from the Sisters about blood, sweat and ink. Find us on Twitter @tweetonsisters and follow us on Facebook.

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