I’ve always loved sidekicks, Chewbacca, Samwise Gamgee, Ron and Hermione.
Sidekick characters can enhance the story tension, help flesh out the protagonist, and move the plot forward in a number of significant ways. Several of the masterplots that Heather and I wrote about last year include a sidekick character as a possible component. Sidekicks are often included to give the main character a partner, someone to talk to, which helps limit the need for internal dialogue, but they can be so much more. In the hands of a skillful writer, sidekicks are even capable of stealing the spotlight from the main character.
There are four core aspects I like to think about when writing a sidekick character:
1. Emotional Growth

Sharing common traits and interests is one way to create character bonds, but they can also be created by friendly conflict. A great protagonist is a complicated character, and their friendship with the sidekick character should reflect that. I want these characters to challenge each other emotionally and change because of these interactions. If the protagonist is reluctant about the quest, make the sidekick a true believer and let them push the future hero into action. If the protagonist is rash and ruled by emotions, pair them with a cool and logical sidekick, someone who can teach the protagonist how to think before acting. When there is emotional contrast between these two characters, I find the relationship exciting to watch. Of course, these characters can be alike in a few ways (perhaps they share the same honor code), but I like it best when this pair knows how to disagree.
2. Sidekick Motivations

No two people, no matter how close, share precisely the same motivations. Everyone wants, needs or secretly desires something different. Although the sidekick and main character will travel the same path, I like to make their reasons for wanting to reach their end goals different. For one character, completing the quest might mean fame and riches. For the other, the quest might be a spiritual journey. I often associate the best sidekicks with the push and pull created by them clashing with the hero. Contrasting motivations provide great conflict and help build story tension; it also give the characters an opportunity to compromise.
3. Sidekicks Need a Moment to Shine

The sidekick’s moment to hold the spotlight is often brief, but critical to the story. These defining plot points take just about every shape, but some of the best sidekick moments often involve self-sacrifice. Many sidekick characters will give their own life to save the hero’s. The sidekick’s big moment can also work in reverse; the hero only finds their courage because the must save the sidekick. The reality of storycraft is the hero must live to fight another day, but the sidekick is expendable. That means this story device can get overused and feel too predictable, but it can also be the most touching part in the story and a true transitional moment for the other character.
4. Contrast is Key

Protagonists come in every form, and so can sidekicks. The visual contrast between these two characters might be small, or it might be huge, as in the case of pairing non-human with humans. I think contrasting outer forms and inner strengths helps the reader keep the two characters clearly defined, and makes it possible (and even likely) that each character will have unique skills to bring into the story. I love it when the sidekick can do something the hero can’t. One of the biggest complaints I have about sidekicks is when they feel like a pale reflection of the hero. I want the sidekick to have value that extends beyond just being the protagonist’s buddy. If the sidekick doesn’t serve a single plot function, there is a strong likelihood they shouldn’t be in the story in the first place. Clearly separating these two characters into unique beings is a critical step to making the sidekick character shine.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, nothing elevates the quintessential hero like the perfect sidekick. Find the right mix and you might create a powerful pairing, one the world will never forget. There are a million different ways to create a sidekick character. I’ve already written about some of the most popular sidekick archetypes, like the cheerleader, the class clown and the skeptic. You can read that post here. However, even that post is just a small sampling of possible sidekick characters. They can be young and old, strong and weak. They can be pillars of righteousness, or shady criminal types, and I’m crazy about them all.
I’m interested in hearing your thoughts about sidekick characters. Did they make stories better? Please share in the comments.
Thank you! I just realized that I’ve fallen into the trap of making my side-kick a pale reflection of the heroine… Off to make notes for the re-write.
Don’t feel bad, it’s a really common trap and something even experienced writers battle. Good luck with your story changes. I’m sure you will find a fantastic new character just waiting to be born.
All of these. The contrast, growth, and conflicting (or not) motivations… I love sidekicks. What stuck out for me, and is obvious but really made me think, is “Sidekicks Need a Moment to Shine”. Yes. Great points. Great post! 🙂
Thanks, Sarah!
The moment to shine is often so… emotional.
I love when Sam carries Frodo at the end of Return of the King.
And the big moment at the end of The Iron Giant movie. That one had my kids huddled in my lap (and crying their eyes out) the first time we watched it. Same with Guardians of the Galaxy. I adore Groot, such a great character.
Ah! Yes. Sam and Frodo (also Groot) but have never seen Iron Giant. Eek. Must watch…
Do you watch Netflix series? In Daredevil, the MC is the weakest hero while all of the supporting characters show signs of heroism. The series overlap, and a recurring character throughout Daredevil/Jessica Jones/Luke Cage, is a nurse named Claire. She is the toughest, most heroic of anyone in all of the series.
I have never been a Daredevil fan. However, superheroes in general are known for strong sidekick characters. It’s supposed to help make them more relatable.
For me, a lot of times when I create a strong and interesting protagonist, a sidekick sort of suggests himself/herself before I even realize that I need one.
Hi James,
Sidekicks are sneaky that way. My favorite characters to write are the ones that just show up and demand my attention. Good luck with your project.
Yup. The characters who insist on being written tend to be the most fun to write.
#3 – unless you’re Veronica Roth and you go all rouge.
I love sidekicks! I love when the sidekick becomes the hero of the story without even noticing. They make me happy ☺
I think you’re right about Roth, but it’s been a while since I read her stuff. I’ll have to check that out.
Sidekicks rule, and I also love how they evolve into powerful characters.
I’m doing something really different with a sidekick character and I’m not sure it’s going to work. My protagonist and his sidekick are separated by thousands of miles and an ocean throughout most of the story and are only in contact by censored letters–my protagonist in panama and the southwest pacific fighting the Japanese and his sister in occupied France with the U.S. foreign service, smuggling people out in her spare time. Because of the story structure, I can only put them together in flashbacks. Wish me luck. I’m gonna need it.
Hi Faith, That sounds like an interesting approach. Good luck, and let me know how it works out. I love anything related to WWII, particularly when it involves female characters, so I’ll be looking forward to seeing this in print.
Hi Robin.
I am just a skinny kid from rural Alabama, but ever since the Earth passed through the tale of the Revelatory Comet, I have become really skilled at harnessing the energy of steam and spring to tinker together some amazing gadgets. It is a wondrous chance of Fate that led me to befriend the most beautiful girl in this world of 1876; Miss Persephone Plumtartt. She is a British aristocrat, as brilliant as she is brave. I thought I was the hero in our astounding tales, but I have come to the startling conclusion that Miss Plumtartt is the actual hero, and I am the bungling sidekick. :-/
Happy Reading and Writing!
~Icky. 🙂
Funny! Looks like your sidekick character took over the story while you weren’t looking. : ) That happens a lot to me too.