If we were having coffee here in Toronto, we’d probably be strolling around outside, because for the first time in two weeks the temperature is not in the negative double digits. Today is a positively spring-like -4 degrees Celsius!
During our obligatory Canadian chit-chat about the weather, I’d tell you that in the middle of the deep freeze, my boyfriend launched a business that delivers natural products by bike (greatergoods.ca). And yes, deliveries were made even when the north winds were blowing at 50km/hr. You think he should charge extra for delivery when it’s that miserable out, but I say it’s not the customers fault Old Man Winter had a tantrum. We made do. Though I’m sick of stuffing my scarf under my goggles to keep my cheeks warm.

As for my writing, I feel like my brain has frozen too. It takes more tea than usual to make my mind move in the morning. And then I get a caffeine high and my synapses fire willy-nilly and I can’t focus! Suffice to say the writing has been a little slow this month, but I have to figure out a way to get back on track this coming week because things are getting busy. Besides my usual novel writing and blogging and part-time work, I’m writing a book review for Spacing magazine, an article for Women in Toronto Politics, and applying for a cool writing gig that hopefully I get and will be able to tell you about in a couple months. Fingers crossed.
What about you? What are you working on this month? Is your brain affected by the cold too? How is that plan to start an artist’s co-op in the Caribbean coming along?
Eventually we run out of hot beverages and winter’s chill seeps back into our bones, so we bid adieu and part ways, returning to our heated apartments to dream of summer.
PS – I’ve come up with 3 steps to beat the Winter Writer Blahs. Check out the post here.
If We Were Having Coffee is a blog hop inspired and run by the lovely and talented Diana at Part Time Monster. Please drop by her place for coffee. You can also see what other bloggers are up to by checking out her hashtag: #WeekendCoffeeShare on Twitter.
We had Canadian-type temps here this past week, so I confess, if you wanted me to drink coffee outside with you, I would wimp out and stay in with a cozy cat to keep me warm! 😉 I admire your fortitude for actually getting on a bicycle in those temps and wind chills. I think you’re crazy, but brave!
This winter finds me writing a novel set largely in the desert. It’s difficult to get in the desert-writing mood when it’s below 0 in both Fahrenheit and Celsius! But I have playlists of Middle Eastern music, and I turn the space heater up, and I plaster desert wallpaper on my computer monitor… and my longing to be somewhere like a desert makes me dive right in. 🙂
I have to confess… even though we’re enjoying the -4 degrees C weather, it’s been snowing like blazes so I actually had my coffee inside too. 😉
A novel set in a desert! That’s something I couldn’t write. I’ve never even been too the desert, unless you count arctic tundra, which is technically a desert but of the cold variety. But I like your strategy of space heater + desert wallpaper. Happy writing!
Congrats on your writing accomplishments and good luck on the writing gig. I’ve never been in temps so cold I had to wear goggles… thank goodness.
Thanks! And I read on your coffee post that you wish the east coast would stop hogging all the snow. I’m here to tell you that you can have it! Now that I think about it, February would be the perfect month to do writer house swaps. You can come enjoy the snow and I’ll go enjoy your green grass and sunshine. 🙂
Congrats on the business! I like the bike delivery, very green. Winter biking isn’t so strange here in Montreal. Just watch out for slushy corners!!
Oh, Montreal! You are the envy of Toronto cyclists! May we be blessed with equivalent cycling infrastructure some day. Thanks for the congrats!
I like to think of Canadians biking around delivering natural products..I think about you during the week because of these brutally cold pictures of you in outdoor gear…..brrrr.
Thanks, Pamela! I was going to take a picture of me outside with the snow, but then thought, “No way I’m taking my mitts off!” Inside frosty pic will have to do. 🙂
Glad you are “warming up” in that -4 degree weather! It’s warming up in Portland, too. My neighbor’s daffodils are blooming and my crocus is about to open up. The sky is blue. It’s 52.
Ha! Guess we should have had coffee at your house. 😉
Congrats on the business! I imagine it’s super-trying to start a bike delivery business in winter! You guys are awesome! 🙂
Thanks, Diana! Biking in winter may be hard, but still not as difficult as writing a great novel. 😉