Weekend Coffee Share – Grilled Cheese & Gaming

If we were having coffee, I’d have you over to my house so I could chat and clean at the same time. I have to get ready for our biannual Grilled Cheese Party! This is also a birthday party since my boyfriend and I are both May babies. Birthdays are a great excuse to see friends, though I’m …
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Weekend Coffee Share – Back from Outer Space!

It’s been soooo long since we had coffee! I’ve missed you! But alas, it is not possible to sit down and drink hot beverages out of pretty mugs in zero gravity. You see, Robin and I were on a space mission for the Blogging A to Z Challenge. Our theme: 3, 2, 1… BLASTOFF to Stellar …
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Coffee Share: Brains, Bricks and Bugs

If we were having coffee I would welcome you into my living room and offer you something yummy. How about some homemade churros?  Not too much cinnamon, I hope. I’ll be dipping mine in coffee, but I’ve made some Mexican cocoa for the kids, so you can have that. Or tea if you prefer. After …
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Weekend Coffee Share – Timetable Edition

If we were having coffee, I’d be tempted to cancel on you. Nothing personal, I’m just feeling like there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish what I’ve set out to do and I want to be working on the novel more. Remember back in January when I set deadlines and downloaded an …
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If We Were Having Coffee: The Battle Recap

If we were having coffee, I would tell you with a gleam in my eye, that this week marked the end of an era! I have won the Battle of the Blackberries. Yes, it was a bitter war, fraught with injury: the cut on my nose, the thorns under my nails, the blisters on my …
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If We Were Having Coffee… Starving Artist Style

If we were having coffee, we’d be at my house because I’m on a tight budget and rigorously following my own 10 Tips To Survive The Starving Artist Lifestyle. That means not buying a $3 cup and instead making a whole pot for 25 cents. You can either partake in tea (I have English Breakfast, …
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