Dropping the F-Bomb in YA Lit

(Yes, I scored the letter “F” in the A to Z Blog Challenge!) At a writing conference the topic of swearing in YA lit came up. I was surprised some writers vehemently believed you couldn’t put the F-word in a YA novel. They claimed no agent or editor would publish it with that word (or …
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Friday Inspiration: D is for Dreams as Inspiration

Dreams can be terrifying: a dragon chases you over a steep mountain, your teeth fall out, a loved one is knifed in a dark alleyway! You wake up sweating, screaming, flailing, much to your partner’s dismay and perhaps to find him defending himself against your violent onslaught. Dreams can be happy: you win the lottery, …
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A to Z Book Challenge

This April, the Write On Sisters are participating in the A to Z Blog Challenge. That means on each day in April (except Sunday) we write a blog connected to the letter of that day. It all starts tomorrow, April 1st, with Jenn blogging the letter A (Anthropology and Culture in Writing), and continues with …
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